Presented by Alissa Duke for Rare Books Melbourne

On Monday evening, 35 people gathered at East Melbourne Library to hear a talk by Alissa Duke, the official sketch artist for MRBW, called “You Can’t Draw in Books”. Alyssa related her personal history of drawing in books, and how she, as a professional librarian, had to overcome some personal taboos to start her journey on drawing in books to extend the life of unwanted books and to give them an added value.

Her talk described progress from earlier unsuccessful attempts to her current techniques, and was illustrated by many impressive examples of her art.

After the talk, audience members were able to examine some of her personally illustrated books which were on display.

A concurrent exhibition of Alissa’s work, also called “You Can’t Draw in Books”, was running for the month of July on the ground floor of the East Melbourne Library.

Tuesday’s program started with a lively presentation on Shakespeare by Dr. David McInnis