Cultural archaeology in Haunted Hotham
Speaker: Sean Reynolds
You’ve likely stumbled upon them, roaming the winding streets of North Melbourne—ghost signs, those timeworn remnants of advertisements past, keepers of tales hidden in plain sight.
Join Sean, the madcap maestro behind the Instagram cult-hit ‘Melbourne Ghost Signs’, for a night drenched in stories, histories and mysteries. Rendezvous with the Sartorial Sultan of Errol Street; gawk at the ludicrous matrimony of milk & cigarettes; and unravel the cryptic enigma of a “cultural archaeologist”.
This event will also be live-streamed.
Please note that this event will held be on Thursday 25th July, not Wednesday 24th July as advertised previously. We are sorry for any confusion or inconvenience due to this error.
Additional Details
Speaker(s) -
Bookings Open May 23rd -